Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Take Your Daughter To Work Day

Does that actually work when you work at home? All the time? My daughters see me at work: there I am, working in my flip flops, having a meeting and waving them away frantically while trying to stay professional and calm sounding on the call I'm running.

Maybe I should make them take me to school with them.

Here's my dirty little secret: I know lots of mothers who look at working at home as a way to "spend more time with their families". Maybe I'm a grind. (Okay, I'm definitely a grind!) But I do not see it that way. It is a bit easier for me to pinch hit in a crisis at school or what have you, but I work when I'm working. I do not pay attention to my children, not even a little bit.

Does this make me a bad mom? Perhaps. But when you're the primary wage earner, and you work from afar, you kind of need to be focused.


1 comment:

Carol Anne said...

No, it does not make you a bad mom. It makes you an honest employee. Kids need to see that, too.

My kids try climbing all over me when I'm working. I just repeat, "Leave me alone, I'm earning money to pay the mortgage."